Airport noise monitoring Air traffic is the source of several forms of disturbance to the surrounding area, including, in particular, noise pollution. Local residents in the vicinity of an airport are the most severely affected and are very conscious of the aircrafts' flight paths and the impact on their day-to-day living conditions. Noise and flight [...]

2017-05-30T17:43:55+00:00 26 Aug 2016|

Building acoustics

Building acoustics From compliance with regulatory requirements to the enhancement of a building's acoustic performance, the various parties involved in the public works and construction industry must ensure that their designs and buildings are in line with current best practices.  In general, they must install high-quality sound insulation between buildings to ensure the quality of [...]

2021-04-13T09:50:48+00:00 03 Aug 2016|


Construction site monitoring The installation of a monitoring device for noise and vibration levels makes it possible to manage the impact of construction sites by: meeting the requirements of the Public Health Code which sanctions the lack of appropriate precautions to limit noise and abnormally noisy behavior embedding the site into a logic of environmental [...]

2017-05-30T17:44:47+00:00 03 Aug 2016|


City monitoring Noise has become the primary source of environmental disturbance. In 2002, the European Union took decisive action in the form of directive 2002/49/CE relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise. Through the use of strategic noise mapping, every urban community must implement an action plan to combat noise pollution. The monitoring [...]

2017-05-30T17:46:21+00:00 03 Aug 2016|


Race circuit monitoring Certain leisure activities, and motor sports in particular, are a source of elevated noise levels. They cause significant disturbance for nearby residents, particularly as such sites are being developed in increasingly densely populated urban areas. The owners of motor sports circuits must comply with increasingly strict regulations and find ways to alleviate [...]

2017-05-30T17:46:37+00:00 03 Aug 2016|


Room acoustic modelling A building's internal acoustics are key to its overall acoustic properties and are determined by its shape and volume, the location and sound power of each noise source (level, direction, etc), and the nature, quantity and positioning of absorbing materials on its walls. Software tools for simulating internal acoustics are primarily aimed [...]

2017-05-31T12:10:46+00:00 29 Jul 2016|


Reverberation time The acoustic characteristics of a building are determined by its shape and internal volume and by the nature, quantity and positioning of absorbing materials on its walls. A building's reverberation time is an essential element in establishing its internal acoustic quality. For site managers and architects, the reverberation time is an essential criterion. [...]

2017-05-31T12:10:51+00:00 29 Jul 2016|


Sound insulation Sound insulation is defined as the reduction of noise transfer between two buildings or between a building and its surroundings. Insufficient insulation may lead to conflict between neighbours and can cause health problems such as stress. Architects, site managers, design offices and inspection departments use optimised construction methods to comply with the relevant [...]

2017-05-31T15:34:35+00:00 29 Jul 2016|

Data recording and processing

Data recording and processing The simultaneous acquisition of large quantities of data is essential in order to gain an understanding of noise and vibration phenomena. These data are then checked and analysed using various methods to find appropriate solutions for the problem at hand. Multi-channel data acquisition systems, which are highly valued by industrial and environmental [...]

2021-04-13T09:51:11+00:00 20 Jun 2016|

Health and safety

Health and safety Many workers are exposed on a daily basis to noise and vibrations at the workplace. Prolonged exposure to intense noise levels can lead to hearing loss and severe deafness. Similarly, high levels of vibrations can lead to vascular, neurological and musculoskeletal problems. 01dB offers an extensive range of monitoring products and [...]

2021-04-13T09:51:02+00:00 20 Jun 2016|