
01dB Noise Inspector

Acoustic camera solution

01dB introduces Noise Inspector, the best solution for acoustic cameras, developed by his partner CAE Software and Systems.
Powerful, versatile and flexible, the Noise Inspector range is at the forefront of technological innovation in the field of sound source localization. With great ease of system setting up, sound and vibration emissions becomes quickly visible.


Modularity and versatility

The unique modular acoustic camera system provides an optimal & high performance solution for every need. Either using the Smart Vision kits (with a tablet-PC attached to the back of the camera) to localize sound sources as easily as localizing thermal defects using a thermal camera. Or using the Noise Inspector kits (with a Laptop-PC for instance) for real-time and/or offline sound source localization: with scalable capacities, from standard to refined analysis, to the most advanced investigations abilities.


SOUNDCAM is the first camera that images sound and is affordable for everyone. The system is intuitive and as easy to use as a smartphone. SOUNDCAM locates sound sources in real time and immediately displays the results on the screen.

Human beings best process information in a visual way. SOUNDCAM visualizes complex acoustic information and creates a connection between hearing and seeing. Analyzing and understanding sound has never been easier!

BIONIC arrays

The new generation Bionic arrays are based on 112 integrated microphones. Innovation is always the watchword:

  • optimized array shape and microphone distribution: guarantees perfect sound source localization and high dynamic range.
  • embedded High Definition digital camera.
  • integrated data acquisition: no need to use external measuring equipment
  • seven detachable microphone arms (setup about 1 minute): makes the system very transportable within a small package size
  • easy-to-setup
  • mobile (can be hand-held with a handle)
  • battery operable
  • robust

Smart Vision software

The Smart Vision software is the perfect solution for newcomers to acoustics. The software offers fast localization of acoustic issues. Therefore deep knowledge of acoustics is not necessary. The software ease-of-use makes it possible to start immediately working on your problems.

  • online analysis in real-time
  • up to 100 acoustic pictures per second
  • up to 60 optical pictures per second
  • save acoustic-photos and acoustic-videos
  • playback of local sound
  • runnable on windows tablets, PCs and Notebooks

Click here to have a look to the demonstration video of the Smart Vision system (friction noise on a chair).

Noise Inspector software

The Noise Inspector software is the standard solution for visualizing sound sources. With its user-friendly interface, the application-oriented software guides you from data acquisition to analysis to saving and reporting of acoustic data. Several methods are available for processing the microphone signals.
A comprehensive reporting tool allows the user to quickly generate documentation and visualization of the results: export to Word, pictures, movies…


Many well-known algorithms are available, and complemented with unique new algorithms.

For measurements in the far field:

  • standard Beamforming, orthogonal Beamforming
  • enhancements to beamforming for optimal resolution at low frequencies: Capon, DAMAS, MUSIC algorithms…
  • cleanSC, to get a dynamic range of more than 40 dB
  • rotating beamforming, for ventilators, turbines, fast rotating etc.. for analyzing wingtips and blade edges.
  • further algorithms may be seamlessly integrated due to the open program structure and the easy-to-use labVIEW or Matlab interface
  • worldwide unique 3D beamforming technology


The Noise Inspector acoustic cameras are optimized to deliver best performance and most accurate results. For every possible application: from environmental acoustics, to building acoustics, to NVH and more…

  • building leakage detection
  • wind turbines airborne noise analysis
  • vehicle noise analysis (car, motorcycle, truck, …)
  • squeak & Rattle detection
  • machine noise analysis
  • handheld tools noise analysis
  • IT equipment noise analysis
  • aero acoustic noise analysis (including aero acoustic in wind tunnels)
  • fan noise analysis


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