Industrial noise

In order to remain on good terms with its neighbours, industrial plants must manage their noise emissions to the surrounding area. They are also obliged to do so by regulations and sustainable development policies.

Industrial sites are subject to specific regulations for which the principal indicators are noise levels at the site boundary and with regard to third parties. In some countries, noise emergence criteria are also taken into consideration. Industrial sites must carry out appropriate measurements, based on their location, in order to assess their compliance with these criteria vis-a-vis national regulations. In the event that regulatory thresholds are exceeded, the dominant noise sources must be identified and analysed in order to find suitable solutions. The implementation of a monitoring system can therefore lead to significant improvements in noise emission levels.

01dB offers a range of sound level meters approved by the major international certification laboratories (including LNE, PTB and METAS) along with the necessary accessories to measure background noise levels. In addition, CadnaA noise mapping software can be used to evaluate the impact of a site’s noise emissions and to seek appropriate solutions.

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