Home/Activity area/Noise assessment and control/LEISURE AND RECREATION NOISE


Leisure and recreation noise

Certain leisure activities can generate considerable levels of noise disturbance, particularly for nearby residents. From a pétanque pitch to a motor racing circuit, a vast range of open-air sports are played in dedicated spaces within residential areas.

Activity centre owners must have a feasibility study carried out by an acoustics specialist prior to constructing or extending their premises.  Based on the results of the study, they must find appropriate solutions to ensure compliance with regulations. Such solutions may include a noise barrier, initiatives to reduce the noise at source, or a new way of carrying out an activity.

In most cases, measurements are taken at infrequent intervals (lasting an hour or a few days each time), but in other more complex cases, such as a motor sports circuit, continuous monitoring is required.  01dB range of smart noise monitors offers acoustics specialists and leisure activity managers a most versatile tool that can be used as a short-term (FUSION) or permanent monitoring station (DUO & CUBE). The use of CadnaA noise mapping software to model a new project or the possible extension of an existing activity enables its noise impact to be evaluated and, if necessary, acoustic treatment solutions to be established.

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