Wind farm control

The noise generated by wind turbines is considered during impact studies prior to a wind farm being installed or modified. The turbines’ noise impact depends on the distance between the wind farm and the areas where local populations live and work, and on the topographical features of the site. Meteorological conditions and the specification of the wind turbines also come into play.

Regulations prohibit wind farms from generating any noise, airborne or structure-borne, that may compromise the health and safety of the local population. Wind turbine manufacturers, wind farm managers and the specialists responsible for the impact study must ensure that noise levels are compliant with regulations regardless of the conditions of use of the equipment.

With DUO smart noise monitor, 01dB offers the optimal solution to measure the ambient noise generated by wind turbines. The system can be used as a mobile station to measure a wind turbine’s sound power and its impact on nearby third parties, or as a permanent monitoring station to help wind farm managers define the operating conditions of the turbines.

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