01dB dBTrait

Data processing dBTrait is a high-performance software program for the post-processing of acoustic, vibration and meteorological data gathered using the following 01dB data collection systems: DUO, FUSION, CUBE, ORION and dB4 associated with dBTrig. Product features Downloads Related products Features New 2020 - Always [...]

2020-11-17T09:47:01+00:00 06 Sep 2016|

01dB dBInside

Building acoustics dBInside is a post-processing software program dedicated to sound insulation and reverberation time measurements performed with sound level meters FUSION Smart Noise & Vibration Analyzer, DUO Smart Noise Monitor and SOLO Black Edition. It takes into account international standards (ISO 717, ISO 140, etc.). It is fully suited to building acoustics applications: [...]

2020-02-20T18:02:11+00:00 06 Sep 2016|

01dB Smart Building Acoustic Solutions

Building acoustics solution 01dB Smart Building Acoustics Solution enables building acoustics technicians to enhance their productivity in the field and also in the office. The 01dB solution includes an embedded module in a sound level meter (FUSION or DUO), dBInside software running on a PC, a sound source and a tapping machine (LS01, LS02, TM01, etc.). [...]

2020-02-20T17:59:57+00:00 02 Sep 2016|

01dB TM01

Tapping machine The TM01 tapping machine is designed to carry out impact sound measurements in accordance with current regulations and standards. Applications include: Building acoustics On-site measurement of impact noise level Laboratory measurement of impact noise level. Product features Downloads Related products Features Partnership 01dB [...]

2020-11-11T10:29:51+00:00 01 Sep 2016|

01dB Noise sources

Noise sources 01dB offers a complete range of measuring instruments, software and accessories for building noise measurements. A complete range of noise sources is available to characterise the internal acoustics of a room and/or the airborne noise insulation. Product features Downloads Related products Features [...]

2019-11-04T15:56:18+00:00 01 Sep 2016|

01dB CadnaA

Outdoor noise prediction CadnaA is the leading software for calculation, presentation, assessment and prediction of environmental noise. Whether your objective is to study the noise immission of an industrial plant, of a mart, of a new road or railway scheme, or an airport, or even of entire towns and urbanized areas. Product [...]

2019-09-12T16:52:53+00:00 01 Sep 2016|

01dB CadnaR

Indoor noise prediction CadnaR is a powerful software program for predicting indoor acoustics. CadnaR enables users to carry out on-site acoustic simulations, making it the ideal tool for noise issues in the workplace and for room acoustics optimization as well. It is based on exactly the same software interface as CadnaA, the noise prediction software [...]

2019-11-25T17:25:55+00:00 01 Sep 2016|

01dB Noise Inspector

Acoustic camera solution 01dB introduces Noise Inspector, the best solution for acoustic cameras, developed by his partner CAE Software and Systems. Powerful, versatile and flexible, the Noise Inspector range is at the forefront of technological innovation in the field of sound source localization. With great ease of system setting up, sound and vibration emissions becomes [...]

2019-06-07T10:58:57+00:00 01 Sep 2016|

01dB dB4

4 channel analyzer dB4 is a portable noise and vibration analyzer consisting of a USB2.0 4-channel acquisition unit combined with one of the software program of the 01dB range (dBFA or dBENV). Connected to the computer through the USB port, the dB4 system offers 4 synchronised 24-bit ICP inputs for performing operating, both in [...]

2018-02-21T15:29:39+00:00 01 Sep 2016|

01dB VIB

Vibration dosimeter VIB vibration dosimeter coming along with dBMaestro software offers the suitable solution to assessing individual exposure to vibrations at the workplace, in compliance with European directive 2002/44/EC and many international standards. (ISO 8041 (2005), ISO 5349 (2001), ISO 2631 (1997)). Product features Downloads Related products Features [...]

2017-04-26T15:22:30+00:00 25 Aug 2016|